

Ganoderma lucidum has been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Its herbal legacy is well-documented in ancient texts such as "Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic", where it symbolized prosperity, peace, and longevity for emperors and nations. Known by various names such as "Lingzhi" in China, "Reishi" in Japan, and "Youngzhi" in Korea, it comprises both mycelium and a fruiting body, with over 150 antioxidants and phytonutrients, and offers numerous health benefits, aiding in the maintenance of health. Revered worldwide as a valuable health supplement and herbal medicine, Ganoderma lucidum is extensively studied and documented in the American Herbal Pharmacopeia and Therapeutic Compendium.


Although highly sought after for its potent health benefits, this medicinal mushroom is a rarity in the wild, growing on only two out of ten thousand aged plum trees in the dense, humid forests of Asia. However, with modern organic-based cultivation techniques, it is now readily available for all to enjoy.